
I'm looking 4 more then 2 & 3 answer, i'm looking 4 the best answer?!?!?!?!?

by Guest58644  |  earlier

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i'm placing this here because i know u all r in tune with your body and i was hoping u could help me out. i have very irregular periods and they come when they get ready. and normally when i get my period i have very bad cramps and my nipples b tender and sore, but my last so called period i didn't have any of that. i had mild cramps and my breast only ache, which they never do. now my period only last 6 days and all 6 days was spotting. and now that my period is gone my breast r still aching and i'm having mild cramps and sharp pains in my stomach. at first i thought i could b pregnant but how could i, i had 2 use clomid and metformin 2 get pregnant the last time. so that thought when out my head very fast, so what else could b the problem? have u ever had any of these problems? and if u did what was the out come? so ok with all this being said i'm not going 2 keep asking u all, all these crazy as questions and hope some1 can help me understand what is really going on with my crazy body.

And Thanks A Head Of Time.




  1. Your body can be affected by stress and worry and this can make the hormones that control your periods go out of control.

    You might have a hormone inbalance and you might need a blood test.

    You might have a cyst on your ovary and this might need an ultrasound.

    You could be pregnant...take a test ... to rule it out.

    You might have nothing at all and your body is just changing over time.

    If you have any pain or discomfort or unusual bleeding than you should have a check up with your doctor.

  2. Even though you needed to take medicine before you could still very well be pregnant. But it could also be stress. There has been many times that I thought I was pregnant but kept getting negative tests finally I went to the doctor and they said it was due to stress, even though I didn't think I was stressed. If there is something weighing heavy in your mind it could be causing your problems. I would still take a test just to rule that out officially!  

  3. There are many things that could be going on.

    You could be pregnant.  A friend of mine used Clomid to get pregnant with her first child, but did not use anything to get pregnant the second and third times.

    You could have an infection of some sort, viral or bacterial.  You might just be having a different cycle this time.

    There are so many things that could be happening.  I recommend you see your gynecologist about this.

  4. I would still take a pregnancy test if I were you, it's sounding like it. But if it  worries you, I'd visit my doctor to see if he could suggest anything to regulate me  

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