
I'm looking a website for hometutors for toddlers....?

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I have a two years old daughter. I want to teach her early in preparation for preschool. I don't have any idea about teaching and I want her to learn more. I hope someone can help me.





    hope they help u teach your daughter!!!!!!!!

  2. I have been working with my son doing an online preschool program from Disney. It has all the characters from Disney so he knows who they are, and it keeps his interest. The lessons teach counting, alphabet, shapes, matching, colors, the value of being helpful, honest, etc. They offer a one week free trial period. They also change the lessons every 2 weeks.

    We've been doing it for 8 months now, I think, and he's mastered the computer mouse, is very eager to do the work, really likes it and ASKS to do it!

    What has amazed me the most is he actually sits still. I thought he'd lose interest, so far he has always completed his lessons. And at the end of the lesson there is a little certificate you can print and color, so they have a physical reminder of a job well done.

    We also read a great deal, books are always with us. I use Baby Einstein flash cards. We attend Gymboree classes (art, play, music) and go to as many playgrounds as we can.

    You're already doing the greatest thing you can, and that's wanting to teach him. He'll have an advantage in school because of what you're doing now.  Best of luck to you, take care.

  3. RELAX!  she is only 2. start with the fun!  Learning can take many forms and fun should be the base at that age.  Toddlers learn many things from playing and we just don't realize it.  Right now she should be learning language, what things mean, how it works, how to communicate.  This can be done with nursery rhymes and songs and simple counting (1-5, then on if wanted)  Teach one to one correspondence.  Colors are fine.  But don't push her to learn everything.  Make it fun and you will find out she will LOVE learning.  Push her and she will hate it later.

  4. teach her her colors, shapes, the letters of the alphabet and the sounds they make (leap frog fridge magnets are GREAT for this, they play a little song for each letter which tells which sound or sounds they make)

    teach her counting and to recognize all the digits zero through nine and their values.

    read to her and ask questions about the books. choose stuff that will expand her vocabulary, not just recycle words she already knows.

    ask her open ended (not just yes and no) questions.

    have her make up stories and dictate them for you to write down.

    write her notes and read them to her.

    label things around the house with sticky notes.

    PBS kids has a wonderful website with several games for each show. they incorporate math, phonics, social skills and even physics (adjust levers to make a meatball drop onto a plate).

    Cranium's Cariboo is a great kids game that teaches numbers, letters, colors and shapes in a very fun way, and Zingo is a good pre-readers game, too.

    good luck! remember that you accomplish the most when you're both having fun!

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