
I'm looking at buying a dvd camcorder are they any good ??

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how simple are they to use

is there anything i should look out for when buying one

am i able to edit the video

how many times can i reuse the dvd

any help i would be grateful





  1. yes they r very good either go Sony or Pentax

  2. In theory they're a great idea, in practice they're a constant disappointment.  Video quality is poor, editing is a pain, you can only get about 20 min of the best quality video on a miniDVD and there are compatibility problems with some DVD players.  Best video quality is still MiniDV, though hard drive camcorders are catching up.

  3. I have 3. The best 1 is my JVC HDD camcorder which is vastly superior to my other 2 which are a Sony & a Panasonic. The JVC is light, compact, and has vastly superior features not found on other makes. yes you can edit your videos using the software provided with the cam (Cyberlink), also provided are the cables you need to connect with you computer. You can reuse the Hard drive as much as you want after you have transferred the video to your computer then just delete the unwanted video from the cam's hard drive. It also takes good quality stills which are stored on an SD card.

  4. You really need to consider quality. Check out at you will get more information there.

  5. SONY is the best brand to choose

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