
I'm looking for SERIOUS martial arts in SC. May I please have some help?

by Guest33383  |  earlier

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Hi, I live in Summerville, SC. Every dojo around here either has high prices (such as $130 per month for two 30 min. classes a week, which is real btw) or bad teaching. I've tried four of five places and they all give black belts to 8-10 year olds. It's really frustrating.....

Right now, I'm in a Wado Ryu Karate dojo, but I have to take this in a fun enviornment; I'm in a three month contract...

Again, I don't want fun, I want effective, serious, sweaty, hard, and true MA.

Does anyone have a suggestions based on experience or word of mouth? (or google-ing skills for that matter)

Please people, no spamming :(




  1. I have several contacts in Summerville for you. If you write to me I'll put you in touch with two different groups. One has a commercial dojo. The other was one of my first instructors back in the 1970's. He teaches at his home and has a small group. I don't think you will find either handing out black belts to children.  Not to many to adults either, unless they are really worthy of it.

    I'll watch for you email.  Good Luck!

  2. Wow...I decided to Yahoo search and it doesn't look good.  As a consumer the best thing you can do prior to sighing a contract is to observe and participate n a class.

    Since I really son't know what is near you, as I don't know SC, I'm going to drop the following link on you.   these guys will have you seriously sweating and fighting from class 1.

    Good luck.

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