
I'm looking for a Day Care for my daughter.?

by  |  earlier

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We're in the process of moving, and I'd like to be able to check out some day cares in the area. I'd like to see other people's ratings and reviews. Does anybody have any suggestions as to where I should begin my search for a reputable day care?




  1. Yahoo!Local is a good place to find pretty much anything in the area--it's like the yellow pages, except people can also rate review everything so you can get an idea of how good a place is or not.  Plus, there's also sometimes a website listed along with address and phone number.

    I would say use Y!Local, but also google any businesses that you find, because the websites aren't always listen on Local.

    Also, if you're moving to a larger city or will be commuting to one and wouldn't mind using a day care there, you can try to find some online groups for that city.  Try Yahoo!Groups or Livejournal and just ask around.

  2. is a directory that I've used in the past.  I was able to find an affordable day care for my son.

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