
I'm looking for a Spanish-immersion school in Ciudad del Carmen (Campeche) to attend for 6 weeks: suggestions?

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If there is nothing in CDC, does anyone know of anything in Villahermosa, Campeche (the town), or anywhere closer to CDC than Merida?




  1. My suggestion is to stay out of Ciudad del Carmen.  It smells bad!

  2. Try or

  3. I visit that area quite often and know of no Spanish  language schools,immersion or otherwise, in any of the cities you have expressed interest in.You would need more foreign tourists to travel in this region to generate enough interest for someone to open a language school.Many of the Americans working in and around CdC recieved some Spanish language training at their employers expense before being assigned to Mexico.One inexpensive thing you could try is going by the university in CdC and seeing if some student there is in need of help with English.They could help you with your Spanish in return.You might also find an instructor or student that needs extra money to privately tutor you after school.

    I'm sure you know that Spanish language schools can be found in the more touristed areas of the Peninsula. Most of those are,in my opinion, indecently expensive and from what I have seen, largely ineffective. There are however many exellent small private schools in some out of the way pueblos throughout Mexico that would provide you with value plus a great total immersion experience.

    I have no idea of your proficiency or needs,but If you are still in your home country,you could easily and inexpensively learn enough "survival Spanish" in a short period of time before you leave that would put you ahead of fully 90% of the people who vacation in Latin America.The bonus that comes with making  that small investment in time is that you will find that you can travel in any Spanish speaking country for about half as much money as your non-Spanish speaking friends.Think about that,it is a very astute investment.

    Nos vemos y buena suerte con su búsqueda!


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