
I'm looking for a better fly repellent to kill horse flies?

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I had been using Adams,wasn't thrilled with it but my vet recogmended it for use on my horses.Well it worked great for about 2-3 weeks untill the horse flies came back with a vengance and are even more viscious than ever.It's to the point I can't even wipe any repellent on them and forget spraying for fear of being kicked or trampled,the flies just eat them alive.The spray seems to have had lost it's effect and made the flies worse.What can I do? These d**n flies attack even on cool mornings and in rain,this year is unbelievable! Any advice would be welcome! Thanks!




  1. What you need to do is find a few different types (probably 3 or so) of fly spray that you like and rotate them.  When one stops working, switch to the next.  The flies seem to get used to one kind.

    I really love Be Free of Flies, it works really good.

    Also keep the barn clean, keep the p**p piles down to a minimum and you can also try those live predators that are supposed to eat the flies.  

  2. Well, fly repellent isn't going to kill the horse flies. It just makes your horses less appealing to flies.

    If you want to get rid of the flies, you're going to have to really clean up the barn, keep it clean, so there isn't much in there that attracts them. Bathe the horses more often, too, and groom them several times a week.

    Then have a pile of manure outside, away from the horses, so the flies hang out there instead.

    They are going to keep reproducing no matter what you do.

    The only way to stop them from coming back is getting fly predators, and it's too late in the year for them to be really effective.

    You can look up your local pest control company to help you out.


    You put your horses in cross ties and make them stand there to get sprayed.


    Add garlic to their feed. Something about the smell of garlic coming through their pores helps repel flies.

  3. try getting a fly sheet because horse flies attracted dark moving objects. i put a fly sheet on my horse and i could totally tell a difference in a couple seconds.  his tail wasn't swishing as much as it usually does. so try that

  4. I would try Konk horse fly spray... it works reallly well for my horse!

    Im not sure if it will work really good on you horses.. because it sounds like you have alot more flys to deal with

      But im sure it would be worth a try!

  5. I recommend a three pronged attack!

    1) As others have posted clean clean clean out the manure.

    2) Try another brand fly spray--I like Absorbine

    3) Kill the larvae that eventually will develop into flies with Fly Predators

    It will take a few weeks for you to notice a difference with the Fly Predators but it will work if you keep at it.

  6. We use Endure by is oil based and stays on even when they sweat, and it works.  To control the numbers of flies, we hang the liquid fly traps near the barn, but away from the horses and they trap them by the hundreds.  Hope this helps.

  7. I like Farnam's "Bite Free"--comes in a maroon bottle.

  8. Horse flies are visual hunters.  Unfortunately there is no bug spray that will keep them away.  To reduce the number of horse flies in your area, you can purchase a fly trap (they can even be constructed).

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