
I'm looking for a charity project?!?? Something hands on?

by  |  earlier

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Im trying to find a charity or something that i can spend some time doing

nothing like the food kitched or anything

something like building a park

or spending 2 weeks in africa helping kids

im only 15 and i live in seattle if that helps

i need help finding something that would set me apart on a college application, i really do want to help though

if anyone can think of somewhere i could help out or do a project let me know




  1. have you ever heard of Habitat for humanity..they are all over the place, they build houses for the can probably contact your local churches..they on all volunteer basis..even your age can help

  2. habitat for humanity--build houses...

    aspca--work with animals; or a no kill shelter

    B/C of your age, you cannot go to foreign countries for aid work...but you should find plenty to do around seattle....try also

  3. sending you to africa they probally wont but something thats hands-on go to your local red cross tation there always taking help and also check with your PD they offer great prorgram PD being police Department they offer things called police cadets very fun...also chec out your local animal shelter.

    P.S. Ima 15 to and i can do all this also check out habitat for humanity and when theres something political you can vollunteer...check out

  4. VolunteerMatch,



    Network for Good,


    Also, contact your local volunteer center; you can find this via the Points of Light Foundation web site,

    There's also this government sponsored site, which provides volunteer positions through USA federal land agencies like Fish & Wildlife, Forest Service, National Parks, etc.

    If you want to be a volunteer to help with the consequences of a natural disaster, such as Hurricane Katrina, you need to register and prepare NOW. Here's a web site where you can register and start your preparation so that you can help the next time disaster strikes:

    At 15, volunteering overseas is probably not possible -- and even if you were 18, as an unskilled volunteer, you would need to pay for your experience entirely.

    Here is a web site that can help you learn more about the skills and experience desired by long-term placement organizations, or organizations that don't charge volunteers but require volunteers to be highly-skilled, and how you can start to gain such experience locally, wherever you are now. You are never too young nor too old to start engaging in activities and training that will make you a viable candidate for long-term volunteer placement agencies:

    There is a listing of the more-than-30 member organizations of the International Volunteers Program Association (IVPA) that is a good place to find reputable volunteer-for-a-fee programs -- programs where you don't need to have much experience in order to participate, and the placements are just for a few weeks or months:

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