
I'm looking for a charity who accepts tools (automotive & woodworking) in Phoenix, AZ. Any suggestions?

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My father died and kept wonderful care of a lot of useful tools. Chandler area. Woodworking, general home repair, automotive, etc. I would like a reputable organization who could use these as a donation or pass them on to someone who can. Must be able to pick them up.




  1. salvation army

  2. Try Goodwill if they have an office there.

  3. Pass them over to my brother,he hasn't any tools left after a nasty divorce.He loves to build but is now wheelchair bound.He was recently diagnosed with cancer of the brain and lungs. He lives in Phoenix. Thanks,Byee

  4. I feel sure that Habitat for Humanity could use them or would know of someone else.  There should be a toll-free number in

    the yellow pages of your local phone directory.  If not, there is a website for information.  Bless you for thinking to pass your Dad's tools on!

  5. St. Vincent de Paul would love to have your father's tools, both for their employees to use in helping people in need, and to help someone get started in a program or business.  

    St. Vincent de Paul doesn't ask anyone to prove their income when they need help, they just do it.  Years ago when my water heater went out and I did not have money to replace it or pay to have one installed, they brought me a new one and installed it - never asking for a dime.  Also, a friend of mine did not have money for several medical tests she needed that Medicare wouldn't pay for, and St. Vincent de Paul paid for them.  

    Whenver I have something to donate, it goes to them in thanks for their help when I was desperate.

  6. craftsmen for christ. They volunteer time to help disabled  folks in construction and repair jobs. Wheel chair ramps etc.

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