
I'm looking for a friendly turtle that likes to be held and is don't overly large. What type should I get?

by  |  earlier

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  1. i would try a map turtle im pretty sure they don't get big but don't get a red eared slider mine are big and are getting bigger. you can get more information at they are great and have all the information form care to how big they get. oh and turtles don't like human contact

  2. Not sure on the types vs. sizes, but some carry salmonella poisoning, so be careful!!

    I noticed that someone gave me a thumbs down for this answer, but they're obviously not educated on this subject.  I see that you have kids, so I thought it was a good point to mention.  This can be fatal, so check out the following links to "reputable" websites:

  3. im sorry but you wont find a turtle who enjoys being held. in fact, you can make them sick if you handle them to much.

  4. lol do any turtles like to be held? youd be better off w/a  gerbil or hamster or somethin like that

  5. You don't want a turtle. You want a puppy.

  6. There aren't ANY turtles that are friendly and like to be held. They are not sociable or affectionate by nature.

  7. this wouldn't be a good pet for small children and all turtles run the risk of biting a tiny finger

  8. Sweety, turtles by nature do not like being held. The balance they sustain by being positional causes them to retreat into their shells when they are moved out of position.

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