
I'm looking for a good and helpful shelter in New York within the five boroughs....?

by  |  earlier

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I am a 20 year old mother of a 3 year old boy. I haven't been with my son's father for years now and I don't plan on going back to an abusive man. Anyways the man that I was in a relationship with wants to break up and wants me to move out, I have no real friends that can help and I do not speak to my family, besides they live in PR.

So my question is does anyone know of any good and helpful shelter in New York. I need to get my life together and I don't want to depend on anyone anymore. I thought this would be the best way but I'm not to sure how to go about it. Please keep the criticism to yourself because it's not what I am here for... I just need some good advice so that I can start a new life from the beginning and work my way up depending on no man and no one but myself. I've been looking for work for months now but I haven't had much luck with it. I was in college for a year but had to drop out for financial and baby sitting reasons. Thank You for any advice.




  1. Take a look at these sites:

    (This one sounds good)

    Also check out the Department of Homeless Services site for good info:

    I think you're really doing the right thing. Good luck and God Bless!

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