
I'm looking for a good website for Mens Ice-Skates And Assesories!?

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Hello! I need to start ice-skating again and I need to buy my own skates and supplies. I need a bag, boots w/ blades, covers (fuzzy material), and guards. I don't want to spend millions of dollars but I want to get somthing that will be comfortable for my feet and somthing that is going to do some beginner jumps and spins. I need them in mens color and sizes. I need a website that is fast, reliable, good, and not super expensive. Can you also suggest some good Ice-Skating brands for men e.g: Jackson, Marc IV, ETC. This would really help...





  1. You probably wont find just one website to get it all on. It is so much better just to go to a local skate shop (google map some) and they will sell everything you need, pretty cheap because you wont have to pay shipping.

    For a bag just use a rolling backback thats large enough to hold all your stuff, or use a zuca bag! You can zucas on amazon, but they are 140$.  For boots i would recommend jacksons for whatever level you are at. You could get Jacksons Mens Marquis, or Jacksons Freestyles (which are much better but a little more expensive). They do come in mens, which is good.

    Since your planning to get into some jumps and spins, i wouldnt recommend Riedell skates because i find they are cheap and mass produced.

    As for skate gaurds, amazon them. Get gaurd dogs because they are the best quality, only about 10 bucks. THey make they fuzzy covers and guards.

    Have fun, find sites that sell skating stuff and youll be fine. But you should really try on the skates you buy, just go to a skating shop (where you can get everything).

  2. Hello =D is a great place to buy it you will find everything you need.  I will suggest for you Risport, Riedell or Jackson. For you its OK and cheaper a Boot and blade combination=D... also you will have to buy guards that cost maybe 5 to 10$... also you will need soakers that are maybe the same price=D for bags you could find one for 20$ or maybe if you like rolling bags it will cost you like 80 $ its a great homepage and there are great webpages=D

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