
I'm looking for a inexpensive way to see Italy.?

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A tour would be O.K. or perhaps a cruise. I will most likely be traveling alone. 10 days to two weeks.




  1. Um cruises are not cheap.

    staying in backpackers and using trains and buses would be much cheaper.  There are some towns/cities that are expensive to stay in as well eg Florence, Siena (I stayed in a campgound place that had cabins 50mins out of Florence, but buses were quite cheap to get in and out.

    THe south is apparently cheaper than the north, so you may need to check website for accommodation as that will be your biggest expense, then food.  You can be disciplined when buying trinkets.  I bought a few glass pieces from Venice and a couple of little things in Rome, everything else was postcards....its cheap!

    If you go on day trips eg from Rome to Pompeii.capri and sorreento that includes a lunch, transport and guide and is a good way to meet people.  

    If you go to backpackers/hostels you will also meet up with people you can meet up with later or travel with.

  2. Tours and cruises probably won't be cheap, especially if you are going alone. Most of them want to put 2 people in a room, and you pay extra if you room alone.

    Try searching for cheap airfare, and for cheap hotels.

  3. the cheapest way, stay home and rent a DVD

  4. rent  a  vespa  lambreta  the  best  way  bono  viage !!

  5. The cheapest way is to do a travel abroad program through a local community college. My mom and step-dad went 2 years ago and they had done it through the school. Some offer a 3 week tour while others may be 3 months. I don't know for sure if that is what you are looking to do but I know it was definitely reasonable. I believe here where i live(California) it was around $1,000 for the 3 week trip(which included airfare and board. Food was separate. It also covers the trips the class takes to other parts of Italy. My parents paid around $5,000 and were there for 3.5 months! They stayed in Florence most of the time, but went to Rome,Tuscany,Pisa,Luca,and Greece(i know there were other towns too)which was all covered by the $5,000.

    Hope this helps

  6. Consider joining SERVAS, which is a global network of host and travelers:

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