
I'm looking for a job related to Anatomy?

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I'm only 17 years old and a senior this year. I'm very interested in Anatomy, I love it.

I was wondering if anyone could find a job that is anatomy-related that dosn't need me to go to college.

I'm looking for soemthing in MA or MO.

Or maybe theres a little night class or ITT Tech type thing I can take to achieve my degree in?

Please Help me.





  1. Might wanna try nursing... that's the only thing i can think of. Other than that, a 4 year degree is required for a career in that field. Think of college  as an investment, and not as a waist of your time

  2. Sorry I can't think of any.  Anatomy-related jobs are inherently knowledge based or technically skilled based which requires further education.

    There are definitely options for night classes and diploma programs however.

    For degree options, look into night classes at your local colleges.  Give them a call, they'll be able to help you out and answer your question far better than I can.  Distance education is also another option, but there are a lot of poor quality (though accredited) institutions out there (like University of Phoenix, which you've probably received spam for in the past).

    As for diploma programs, you'll have to look at what sort of jobs you want.  Anatomy related things that come to mind are nursing, veterinary assistants, hygienists, and various other health professions (generally all titled "assistant" or "technician" - just slap a typical health job in front of the name).  If you're not looking in to health it's a quite bit more difficult but there should be options.  You'll need to be creative with what you're looking for.  Things I can think of are jobs in zoos, museums, and various animal rescue organizations.  These will also be assistant or technician positions, however.

  3. I'm in the exact same situation [age grade and interest] u might try medical transcription. but other than that i don't think u can avoid collage. good luck with finding what u want to do. =]

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