
I'm looking for a laboratory/medical hand tool that I've used in the past, but I don't know the name. Help.

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This tool is metal and has a handle like a scalpel, except with a fixed head. The defining characteristic is that it has a somewhat short, pyramidal/arrow-shaped head that comes to a point.

It's not a spatula or anything else that I've been able to find scouring the medical and laboratory supply catalogs. I'm working for a new lab and these tools have proved incredibly handy for me in the past and I would like to use them again.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.




  1. If it is used for puncturing thing it would be called a trocar.

  2. It sounds like you might be looking for some version of a cell scraper:

    (I realize those are inverted from what you are looking for, but they are similar.)  I don't do bioscience, this is just a guess based on paint scrapers, which do have pointed triangular heads.  So maybe looking at all the different types of cell scrapers available will give you what you want?

    Ok, these may be more like it:

    Dental wax formers.

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