
I'm looking for a poem called "Me! I'm Special!" Can you help me?

by  |  earlier

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It has lines like

"I am happy as I can be

That I am no one else but me."


"Nobody has my eyes, my nose,

my hair, my eyes. Or even my toes."

It was a poem that went with a box that had a mirror in it and at the end they look in the mirror and see themselves, I need it for a preschool activity.





  1. Tooo cute ... Here ya go !


    I am Special

    (to the tune of "Frere Jacques")

    I am special,

    I am special,

    Look at me,

    You will see,

    Someone very special,

    Someone very special,

    It is me,

    It is me.


    I am Special

    Hundreds of birds in the sky,

    Hundreds of fish in the sea,

    Hundreds of flowers in the field

    But there's only one of me!


    I'm Very Happy to be Me

    _______ is my hair,

    _______ are my eyes.

    I'm _______ years old,

    I'm just the right size.

    My name is _______

    And as you can see,

    I'm very happy to be me!


    All of Me

    See my eyes.

    See my nose.

    See my fingers.

    See my toes.

    See my lips.

    See my knee.

    Now you have seen all of me!



    There's no one in

    This whole wide world

    Exactly just like me.

    I am me and

    You are you,

    We're special,

    Don't you see?



    I have 10 little fingers

    And 10 little toes,

    2 little arms,

    And 1 little nose.

    1 little mouth,

    And 2 little ears,

    2 little eyes

    For smiles and for tears.

    1 little head

    And 2 little feet,

    1 little chin -

    That's me!

    I'm complete.


    Glad to Be Me!

    Sometimes I wish I was someone else, but mostly I’m glad I’m ME!

    We all have our likes and differences as everyone can see.

    Some of us like to hurry, some like to take our time.

    Some spend all their money, some save each dime.

    Some are good at English; some are good at math.

    Some of us like showers some prefer the bath.

    Some of us are quiet; some of us are loud.

    Some of us like to be alone; some of us like a crowd.

    Some of us are tall; some of us are short.

    Some like to play an instrument, some like to play a sport.

    Some of us are black or brown, and some of us are white.

    Some of us leave the light on when we go to bed at night.

    All of us are special as everyone can see,

    You like you, and I like you, but also I like ME!

  2. Go to this website.

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