
I'm looking for a.....?

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i'm looking for a photoshop/paint shop pro softwear. or any other softwear there is. i am interested in photography and i need to retouch, and change my photos. i have paint shop pro x2, but this is only for windows XP or windows vista. i have just brought a new mac, so i am selling paint shop pro. i am using this money to put towards a really good photographer softwear.i am looking from £40-£150. Does anyone know which is the best sofwear there is for this amount of money?




  1. You're in the wrong category. Try Photography. ♥ ∞

  2. You clicked on "Genealogy" by mistake. I think you want "Visual Arts > Photography, six categories down the list. If so, you should post again. If you do, you might use a heading like "Best Mac Photoshop?" and put your price range in. (My keyboard doesn't have pounds.)

    I'm not the category monitor. I hate to see people wasting their time shopping for apples at the ironmonger's.

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