
I'm looking for a real authentic recipe for spinakopita. Help please.

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spinakopita is a greek pastry made from fillo dough. It is usually made with cheese and spinach.




  1. You can also go to and get a recipe that's been rated and commented upon.  However, the recipe in your first answer looks good to me!  Make sure not to let your fillo dry out--cover it with a very slightly damp towel until you're ready to use it.


    1/3 c. milk

    1/4 c. onion, finely chopped

    2 eggs, beaten

    1/8 c. olive oil

    2 lbs. shredded spinach

    1/2 lb. feta cheese

    2 tsp. dried dill

    1/2 c. fresh parsley, chopped

    1 tsp. pepper

    16 sheets filo dough

    1/4 c. clarified butter

    Heat oil and cook until tender and transparent. Add spinach and cook 3 minutes. Add parsley and spice. Cover and simmer on low heat for 15 minutes or until spinach lightly sticks on bottom of pan. Add milk. Pour spinach in large bowl and cool. Add feta cheese and eggs, mixing well. Layer 8 sheets of filo dough, brushing each layer with butter, in 9x12 inch pan.

    Spread spinach mixture over filo. Top with 8 layers of buttered filo dough. Bake at 300 degrees for 1 hour or until lightly browned. Serve warm or at room temperature.

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