
I'm looking for a recipe for the spanish pastry called CABAYONE?

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Drive around Oviedo shoot in a pastry shop built in 1914 and still exactly the same have a pastry called cabayones named for 600 yr old oak tree that used to be in the middle of town, cut down to widen streests in the 40’s and mourned ever since.

This is the most information I could find. Chef Jose Andreas was in the northern part of Spain in the Asturies area and showed the pastries. They are made with almond paste, flour and/or flavoring. I'm not sure but they looked delicious.




  1. I have lived in Spain for the last 36 years and I have never heard of a pastry by that name... Are you sure it's not the italian dessert ZABAYONE?

    Also spelled:



    5 egg yolks

    1/2 cup white sugar

    6 tablespoons Marsala wine


    In top of a double boiler over simmering water, mix together egg yolks and sugar until smooth. Stir in Marsala wine. Continue to cook and stir constantly until mixture thickens and bubbles start to form. Remove from heat, allow to cool a few minutes... and serve immediately.

    P.S. If this is not the recipe you are looking for, let me know at least what region of Spain the recipe is from, and I'll try to locate it.

  2. The pastries are called CARBAYONES!  They are a famous almond pastry found in Oviedo.

    Carbayones are delicious cakes made with puff pastry, a base of almonds, eggs and sugar with a short glass of sweet sherry and some drops of lemon.  Carbayones are a creation of the Camilo de Blas sweet shop and found in most other shops in the region. They are small puff pastries with a cream of almond, egg yoke and fondant. They are rich but delicious.  


  3. No, that's's italian.

    Also, you can look for a recipe for sabayon....french.

    It's a liquidy custard...with a little sherry in it.

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