
I'm looking for a store to do my wedding registry?Any ideas?

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I'm looking for a store to do my wedding registry?Any ideas?




  1. Bed, Bath and Beyond does have everything and I was happy with the choices for my registry but they only give you a 10% off a one time purchase for registry completion which I was pretty peeved about since I get 20% off coupons in the mail all the time.  I would check to see what incentives the stores offer for registry completion.

  2. Wal Mart, JC Pennys

  3. Tiffany's of course!

  4. Crate and Barrel, Target, and JC Penney are always popular.

  5. I registered at Target and Macy's and had great experiences with both.  I have had no issues returning anything at Target, even though a lot of people told me I would.  I recently took in some glasses that were shipped and arrived chipped without the receipt.  The associate took me to a kiosk, showed me how to print my receipt on line, and credited me for them.  No problem.

  6. Just make sure that there is a physical store in the place where most of your wedding guests live.  I wanted to just do Crate and Barrel, but the grooms family is all from Springfield, Missouri and they don't have one so I added Bed, Bath and Beyond as a second registry.

  7. Macy's and pier one imports they both have nice things.

  8. Go to Macy's.  They have expensive things that are high quality.  It may be pricey but most of my friends do their weeding registry there.  Hope this helps.

  9. I like Bed Bath and Beyond and Target.

    You can even register for your formal china at BB&B.

    I like Target for inexpensive bathroom and bedding (The bamboo sheets are really nice)

    EDIT: Target is NOT "white trash" they carry most of the same household items as Macy's or Dillard's without the markup.

    It's ridiculous to expect your guests to pay for your pricetag obsession.

    IMHO Target is better than J.C. Penny.

    My Target registry has a cool steam mop, soft sheets, kitchen odds and ins, bathroom rugs, towels, loads of nice stuff.

  10. Bed, Bath & Beyond...they have everything!

  11. Sears, JC Penny, Dillards, Kohls, I think any department store with things you like is a good place to do it because they carry everything that you could need

  12. bed bath and beyond





    and most of your high end stores/gift shoppes

  13. I did Target and Bed, Bath and Beyond.

    Watch out for Target, though. They recently changed their return policy (basically making it impossible to return any gifts without a gift receipt), so if that is important to you check it out before you register there.

  14. I went to J C Penny because they work with David's Bridal.

  15. Bed, Bath and Beyond



  16. Definitely go with a nation-wide chain that offers online shopping and shipping to your address.  Its easier for your guests.  Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond have large inventories that enable you to choose gifts in all price ranges.

  17. Find some stores that have cheaper stuff your not-so-wealthy friends & family can get you, as well as things your wealthier friends & family can get you. My fiance and I are planning on registering at Target and Bed Bath & Beyond-- both stores have cheaper stuff & more expensive stuff.

    JC Penney is also nice, and Sears, Pottery Barn, and maybe Macy's... Go by what your needs are for the home you'll have together. You might have a favorite local store that'll do registries & will have stuff you need, too.

    Yay! Congratulations to you on your future marriage. I know I can't wait to get married!

  18. My husband and I registered at Bed Bath and Beyond and loved it. They have everything in all price ranges. We also didn't have any problem return a couple of duplicates we got.

  19. Bed, Bath & Beyond, my mom said it really worked for her!

  20. Crate and Barrel has amazing items. They are great quality and not very expensive. They also have an easy way to order online if there isn't a store by guests. Also you can do a home depot/lowes kind of store. You would be suprised on items you could really use from there!

  21. I did crate and Barrel and Belks.

  22. ugh don't go to walmart or target. that's so white trash.  Maybe for baby registry but NOT a wedding.  Go to somewhere like Ikea, or crate and barrel.  Even JcPenny or Macy's or a big department store like that.  Make sure you register for something in every price range.  Remember: as much as some people would love to spend $300 on your gift, they may only be able to afford $20.  So make sure there are somethings on there for them to buy as well.

    Congrats on the wedding!!

    EDIT: keep in mind as well that if you have people from out of the area, they may not have access to some of these stores. so try rtegistering for different things at 2 stores.  that way there is a bit of option for those out of towners.

  23. williams-sonoma

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