
I'm looking for a strong herbal remedy for trouble sleeping and staying asleep?

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Does anyone no a specific herb or herbal pill that can help someone who has trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. I've tried sleep meds but they never agreed with me. Now i want to experiment with herbal remedies. I wake up 3-5 times a night and it sometimes takes me hours to fall asleep. If you know and herb can you post it, preferably one that can be bought over the web easily. I saw websites like that looked legitimate.




  1. Smoke a reefer and get laid.  If that doesn't work, email me.

  2. I used lavender oil on my breast when I was delivering my daughter instead of painkillers and it went alright. I think it helped. The oil is volatile. Containes linalyl acetate and linalool and camphor. It has a hypotensive action and Central nervous system depression action. you can get sedation from oral topical and inhaled doses. It may also have lipid-lowering activity and prolong sleeping time.

    There are many different lavenders out there, L. officinalis is the true form which is the only non-toxic one. Be aware of the others.

    Spike lavender is common and toxic since it has a high camphor content - it smells the strongest and it's used in pillows and other aromatherapy things.

    You can also apply it topically as antiseptic for psoriasis, scrapes and cuts and burns. It is mainly used for the sedative effect. I am glad you felt such comfort.

    Mixes to try: 100 grams of flowers in a bath

    4 dropps on a sugar cube

    add to massage oils

    Prepare from raw by adding 1 - 2 teaspoons of dried flowers to 5 ounces of hot water.

    Also try a new/clean sock filled with hops flowers under your pillow, you will stay asleep guarenteed !

    Lipincotts and Wilkens Nursing 2004 Herbal drug guide

  3. Hello,

    First of all, I am very sorry to hear that you have such sleeping trouble, I understand you and it's horrible...

    Herbal remedies tend to be very good, specially because many of them claim they can help you without making you an addict, which is good but if you don't manage to sleep without taking this herbal remedy, then you are addict to it already too... just keep that in mind!

    Aaand, I had horrible sleeping trouble due to stress and found out about NeoLaikan which is a herbal medicine made by a lab called Schwabe helped me a lot, it was strong enough for me, which couldn't sleep sometimes more than 2 hours at night. This one is made of Valerian:

    Before taking it, read the side effects, etc.

    But quiet honestly, if you really want to fix your sleeping trouble, pills alone will not work... I'll just give you a brief review of what helped me end my sleeping trouble:

    - Walking at least 10 mins before going to bed, relaxing and thinking about how great i was going to sleep at night.

    - Listening to some relaxing music, even if you are not into new age or stuff like that, there's some nature music that can help you.

    - Empty your head before going to bed, when you are going to sleep, make the act of actualy laying down, mean to your body that you are meant to sleep, and not to think about stuff for hours at the time, if you have something to solve before, don't do it in bed, get up and do it.. but once you lay on your pillow, it's for sleeping, and sleeping only!

    - Take a bath before going to bed, a warm bath with water and some nice smelling soaps can do the trick to make you sleepy.

    - Don't have huge dinners before going to bed, don't go to bed without eating. Make your dinner something soothing.

    - Avoid sodas, teas, coffe, cocoa after 5pm

    Hope this helps!

  4. Lack of magnesium can cause sleep deprivation.. Check out Calm at your local Health food store.

  5. Try Australian Bush Flower Essences Emergency Essence it is not a drug or a herb but an energy medicine and can help with natural sleep.  I would use 7 drops in 16 oz bottle of water and shake and sip for a half hour before sleeping (keeping some for when you wake up during the night.  Should be less and less.

    IF you have a busy mind keeping you away you might want to try Calm & Clear Essence to rest the mind. You can sip as above or you can get the cream and use it and sip the Emergency Essence.

    "Australian Bush Flower Healing" by Ian White

    ISBN-10: 073380

    Yahoo email group discussing Australian Bush Flower Essences

  6. I do not reccommend sleeping pills. Take melatonin supplements instead, 3mg per day 1 hour prior to bed.

    Sleeping pills are dangerous. I would recommend trying to synchronise your circadian clock again, spend time outside in the sun, watch it rise/set, for a minumum of 30seconds per day, although 3 - 30minute would be better. Also if your very tired, then sleep for an hour or two before 3pm. You also need to slowly ween yourself to 'normal' sleep hours, each day wake up an hour or two later, or sleep an hour or two earlier, gradually you will normalise the sleep cycle.

    If all this does not help, then take melatonin or 30mg of 5HTP. This is a safe supplement which is the precursor to serotonin {the feel good neurotransmitter}, at night it is converted to melatonin {a chemcial that makes you sleep}, so increasing this will help. Also stay in a dark room, no bright lights, and just relax.

    How this helps

  7. Try taking melatonin you can get it at any pharmacy/drug store.

  8. Valerian or Valerian root

    check out

  9. passion flower. I never tried herbal stuff I'd rather pop a pill but iv'e heard this flower and it's extracts help you sleep.

  10. Few things,., Firstly, I have had issues in the past.. when I went to the doctor she suggested to have my B-12 levels checked sure enough they were like 114.... So, I have been on B-12 injections and also drink a cup of Chamomile Tea.

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