
I'm looking for a summer job for my 11 year old daughter, what should I be looking for for her?

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I'm looking for a summer job for my 11 year old daughter, what should I be looking for for her?




  1. paper route, old people place(sorry idk what the appropiate name is), lemonade stand, etc.

  2. she is 11 she can't work

  3. She's 11! Let her be a kid and enjoy her summer!

  4. Well legally she can't work and she is only 11.  She could Help someone babysit(as i think she is still a little young for that).  Get her in some activities if you dont' want her sitting home all summer

  5. Let her babysit for family or friends. I started at eleven and that is a commen age for babysitting family and friends.

  6. Children can't legally work at that age. Let her enjoy her summer,  kids grow up fast anyway.

  7. Let her enjoy her summer, she's only 11!!!

  8. Why not look for a  job for yourself?  At 11 there isn't much she can do legally, babysitting, yard work, dog walking, mother's helper, runnin errands for neighbors.  Anything else she is neither quailifed nor of legal age to do.

  9. Omg...11 year olds should not be don't know about some of you parents out there! Give her a chore but not work! She should be having fun most of the time!!!

  10. I agree you really shouldn't be putting you daughter to work at such a young age.  I think she should do some chores around the house for you if she is wanting extra money.  Or let her have a great summer.

  11. The only thing I would think would be a Mother's Helper.Maybe find a mom who needs help with her her kids a few hours a week.This would be supervised and only if she wants to.

  12. She is too young to work!

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