
I'm looking for a summer job in Dublin.?

by  |  earlier

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I've nearly finished my Junior Cert (all honours) and would really like to get into the work force. Anybody any ideas? I live on the north side of Dublin city. Ta all!




  1. Ask you local businesses.  You should ask the types of companies you see yourself working for in 5 years time.  You don't want to be doing bar work.  It's a no brainer, your nights out with your mates are gone then.  If you do want something a bit less testing what about a paper round.

  2. hi you

    try tesco`s and i know that panny`s take on your age group so try them to

  3. Your a bit late its the middle of June

  4. Barman/barmaid

  5. Loadsa places take on their summer staff around mid-term so its really hard to get a part time job now, maybe if your parents/guardians have an connections and can get you a job easier. Try handing in CVs into places with signs up.

    Good Luck :)

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