
I'm looking for a super good quote can you help??

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i'm looking for some really good quotes if you have any that you really like please tell me then

if i like your quote alot i'll give you Best Answer




  1. How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg. ~ Abraham Lincoln

  2. What we do in life, echos in eternity.

    - Maximus of Gladiator fame.

  3. I have lots I really like, too many to choose from. Check out my quotes pages.

  4. 'when God be for us,who can ever be against us?'-The Bible

    ok if ur kind of spiritual then,

    "let nothing disturb u.let nothing frighten u.everything passes away except God.God alone is sufficient."

    think about it for a while.u'll find a lot of truth in it.....

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