
I'm looking for a way to make some money and I'm a good photographer,any Ideas?

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I was thinking eBay, then what anbout those photo frame companies that have the pictures in there? How do they get those? What about Hallmark? Please tell me all you know!!! Thanks




  1. Yes, hire yourself out to take pictures for other people. Make up 1000 business cards and hand them out to everyone you meet during the day. Strive  to hand out at least 10 cards or more  a day. When you have handed out the first 1000 then get 1000 more and hand them out. Eventually you'll get some work (jobs) coming in. Then you'll need a contract. Keep handing out the business cards.

    Good luck!

    Jeff (weseye) Wesley

  2. Put your services out on Craig's List. Don't expect much but if you place the right ad and get the right client you can make a lot of money. Start with holiday parties, Holloween at the VFW or Christmas parties for a corporation. The best way to get your foot in the door is to go to a country club and talk with the events planner. Tell them you'd like to work with them and if they know of any office parties that are interested but their budget is tight. Either have them call you or you call them. Be very professional and explain that you would like to help them out.

    You can either deliver the pictures that night or a week later. If you plan on that night, make sure you have a helper who undestands a computer and work flow.Get a decent printer and some photo card holders and print their pictures on site. 5x7's are the best. If you go with 4x6's they have that cheap feeling. Also make sure you have plenty of paper and extra ink.

    You can do it on a charge basis or for a falt rate and everyone gets a picture. Plan different scenarios, whit if the camera breaks...have a back up camera. What if the printer breaks, get a back up one, don't open it until the original one breaks, this way you can take it back. Make sure the lighting works, different backgrounds and possibly props.

    Good luck.

  3. I would suggest investing in a photographer's market book.

    "Photographer's Market is the complete resource for photographers of all skill levels who want to sell their work. Not only does it include hundreds of freelance markets--magazines, book publishers, greeting card and calendar publishers, stock photo agencies, galleries, art fairs, contests and advertising agencies-but it shows photographers how to build a successful photography career. It covers the basics and more, inspiring and enlightening photographers through articles and interviews, expert advice and a wealth of resources."

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