
I'm looking for a writing about social workers not turning up for prearranged meetings.?

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I came accross it about 6 years ago in a Special Needs support group which no longer exists. I think it was called "Welcome to my home".




  1. Social Workers wouldn't be flippin' welcome in my home I can tell you!

    I'd boil them on the stove!!!!!!!!!!!

    They're evil!!!!!!!! and incompetent!!!!!!!!!!

  2. If you try searching on thats usually a good search engine!

    I think all those who have written that social care workers are not welcome intheir house-SCW are not evil they are there to support and help-they are human they have stress and work pressure but also the added pressure of knowing that most people 'hate them'. SCW are there to protect the needs of children-if u care and protect your child you shouldh ave nothing to worry about fromthem---surely its a good thing that there's adults out there that are employed to keep children safe?

    As for them not turning up-well that happens with a lot of professions not just SCS-but if its a problem and nobody turns up then called the Family Centre and tell them-that way the problem can be dealt with! You never know an emergency could have arisen-like an emergency child placment etc.

  3. Where l lived we are trying to improve service which you said because we are the people who used it and make it better. Instead of moaning about it doing what can you make of it.

  4. In my experience social workers never turn up for any pre arranged meetings. They certainly would not be welcome in my home.

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