
I'm looking for advice on how to become a Queen Elizabeth drag queen. Any words of wisdom out there?

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I'm looking for advice on how to become a Queen Elizabeth drag queen. Any words of wisdom out there?




  1. When I think of the queen I think of her in a dowdy suit with gloves and tiara and waving her as she does (s******g in a light bulb style).

    Perhaps diamonds on neck

    And then something that makes it obv you are of the British Monarch like a flag??

    Oh, and a really ugly boxy black handbag, matching shoes and perhaps tea stained teeth.

    The drag-queen part?   Big shoulders, Leg Muscles

    Love it!

    Go here too:

  2. Find a place that sells ventage clothing.  If inexperience with make-up find a girl to help you who will take this task seriously and not try to make you look like a w***e.  Wear long sleeves and ankle length dress to cover hair and muscles.  Wear gloves, nail polish and Elizabeth will not mix.  You also will need to try to make your face as light as possible, almost goth like, to really look authentic.

    I am kind of assuming your not a generic drag queen...if you are sorry for waisting your time since I really don't have many ideas on the Queen part.

  3. Buy a tiara & hide your candy.

  4. Elizabeth I or II?

    For the first one, go with lots of white make-up and one of those big ruffs around your neck.

    If it's the second, big hats. Her dresses themselves really don't seem fancy enough.

  5. The beard shouldn't be a problem, but you'll have to package "the unit" pretty tightly...

  6. What? I thought he was in drag!

  7. hi gandalf-ask elton john-he is not a drag queen but i bet he has known several--after all he is the queen's queen---keep smiling and enjoy the night

  8. bad question to ask.

    find to use Queen Elizabeth name. poor tacks

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