
I'm looking for anyone with experience keeping (and potentially breeding) freshwater stingrays...?

by  |  earlier

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I have the tank ready (240 gallon xtra wide) and everything is set. My first ray should get in on tuesday.

I'm kinda curious as to whether or not I could get away with having a small school of tetras in there for a little touch of color. My guess is that a ray might be able to snag one every once in awhile, but there is a good bit of cover in the tank and I was curious if anyone had ever tried it.




  1. That sounds awesome!!   Yea you might as well keep some tetra's in there....   what's the worst that could happen?    I'd love to see some pics of your ray if you don't mind sending some!!  :)~

  2. if there's a goob bit of cover i doubt there's enough floorspace.

    ray tanks are always baren unless on the order of several hundred to thousand gallons

    check out

    alot of guys on there keep, breed, and raise stingrays

    i can tell you this.. even just keeping them is hard and dangerous work

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