
I'm looking for crafts that would be good for 4-8 year olds while tent camping in the woods.?

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Every time I look up "camping crafts" I tons of ideas, even entire sites, devoted to them. However, none of them are actual camping crafts. There just run of the mill crafts you do at home. And some of them are totally unfeasible to do in the woods. I'd like some crafts that use things like leaves/sticks/et cetera and don't require me to bring tons of stuff with me on the camping trip to do the crafts.




  1. A nature collage of neat stuff you find. All you need from home is glue and paper.

    Don't take home arrowheads! They are artifacts and should be preserved (in some places it's illegal to take them.)

  2. Here is a site that offers ideas of cooking with your kids. I have done a lot of them with my kids while camping and they love helping make their meals.

    Other ideas would be to get each child a disposable camera and let them take pictures then make a special album after the trip. You could put this in a big book and add to it every year if this is a tradition.

    You could take toilet paper or paper towel rolls (with out the paper) and spread with peanut butter and bird seed to help with bird watching. Make sure to take the trash back home with you.

    Use empty soda/water bottles and have them fill them up with thinks they find....sticks, leaves, dirt, rocks....then add a few items like paper clips, marble, penny, and have the use do a 'treasure" hunt and try to find the special items through all the other stuff.

    If there is a sandy area help them make sand castles.

    Take a nature walk. Point out things you see....animal tracks, bird nests, ect. (again the camera will come in handy).

    Have/help them make a journal. Before bed everynight with a flash light or battery operated lantern while laying in the tent. Talk about the day and write/have them write down everything about the day. It's wonderful to go back and remember what they were thinking, or what they liked that day.

    That's all I can think of for now, but if i have any other ideas I will edit the post. Good Luck and have fun. :)


  3. Find an old Boyscout or Girlscout manual. I bet you find some ideas.

  4. This is just an idea, but how about just bringing some glue and letting them glue things together into sculptures. Or they can glue them onto poster boards and make pictures. They could use pinecones, sticks, leaves, flowers or whatever they can find.

  5. You might want to check out your local Scouting office - check out the stuff, including the manuals, for Tiger and Cub Scouts.  They usually have actual craft materials and lots of books with ideas in them.

  6. We just went camping last weekend with two 5 year olds and a 9 year old. We packed up a bunch of their craft paint and some strong glue. They made pet rocks! They gathers rocks and painted them, glued small rocks or pine cones on for eyes, found some moss to glue on for hair, made faces with sticks. It was so much fun watching them do it and they totally into it for a long time. Now they're asking to do that again when we camp again next weekend.

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