
I'm looking for info. on solar power,I want info on the cost of roof panels, & the best place 2 buy them?

by  |  earlier

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I'd like to know if i can set them up myself & whats a good price based on size




  1. Try hear or do a search on google

  2. The leader by far in this market in Sunpower. Check out their website for more information:

    I know that they also have a strategic alliance set up for commercial building owners to have their products and workmanship included under the manufacturers warranty with Firestone Building Products- which is a flat roofing material manufacturer.

    Sunpower's products are for both residential and commercial- I think you would probably need an electrician to hook the panels up though...

  3. many states have great incentive programs set up for homeowners that would like to convert to solar . i would check there to see what sort of programs if any they offer .

  4. A good price for panels is $4 / watt today.  This is for a system that is several thousand watts, so it would be (say) $16,000 for a 4000-watt system.  WIth professional installation and the other parts you need to make it work, the total system price could be $20-25,000.  If your city and state has a good rebate program, you might get back half of that money.

    It is possible, but not easy, to set them up yourself in most locations.  But you would have to be the kind of person that is okay with replacing your own roof by yourself, and rewiring your service panel by yourself.

    I installed our system myself.  We took some video while I was doing it - see the link below.

    A neighbor just got a system professionally installed.  He actually paid less than I spent, possibly because professional installers get quite a discount on panels, which more than makes up for their labor.  Try looking up solar installers in your phone book, or on the internet.  Couldn't hurt to get a free quote, just to see how much it is.

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