
I'm looking for my real mother... any one know some good sites to search?

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  1. aw :(, no but good luck :)

  2. Try the county hospital where you were born and work forward


  4. I'm assuming you know her maiden name and where she's from. In this case, you can start by looking in phone directories in that area. There's a good chance you won't find her by last name since she's probably remarried. However, there's a chance you might come across a brother, uncle, or grandparent.

    If you can find her current name, one of the best first steps is to simply Google her name in quotes.

    Another idea is to search newspaper web sites for engagement/marriage announcements.

    If you can't find anything about her where she grew up, then I would try the genealogy library with the LDS church. They have the most complete genealogy library in the US (if not the world) and there is a good chance they will have her family tree. This should help you find some names and locations - if not her current name and location.

    Once you find some names, the main thing is just to start making phone calls. When someone answers, just say "Hello, my name is ____, and I'm trying to find a relative. Do you know ______".

    I have found family member in the past by doing this exact thing. It took some time and I had a lot of disappointments but it finally paid off.

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