
I'm looking for my sister-in-law to find her son when she was 18 and had to give him up for adoption?

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she had to give up her newborn son years ago and was wondering how i can go back to records and find him. she has always wondered how he is doing and would like to meet him and has wondered for many years. please help me find him. thankyou duane.




  1. his records could be sealed. find out what she called him she had to give him name. then you can write to the social security admin office and see if they can help you. they would maybe have cross reference and tell them that you are trying to find him for medical reasons and let him knwo something. that is best way to get them to help you. they are more prone to that. you can also put note in sometimes that helps. i have found a 1/2 sister that way. there are many things writing to the court that did it and ask if you can find him would they help sometimes they will take care duane by suzy

  2. Do you know the State or Country baby was born in and dob - then you would have a starting point.  Please post that info here and I can steer you in the right direction

    Most Countries have open records but the USA has ancient laws still on the books in 44 States and the records remained sealed.  People do find each other despite this so don't lose hope

    Start by registering with

  3. Access to birth and adoption records varies depending on where and when the adoption took place. You will need to go to the vital statistics office in the state/province or country the adoption was finalized in and ask about their laws or contact the agency the adoption was done by. Without more information I can't even point you in the right direction. Sorry.

  4. I know there's a register where parents and children can sign up, and if both do, they can meet.  Otherwise, depending on the type of adoption, it could be difficult or next to impossible to find him.  It also depends on how old he is now.  If he's no longer a minor, it could be easier.

  5. my aunt did the same thing but her mom made her give her baby up and she went on this website where people search for you and she narrowed it down to like 4 names then she found him on myspace not long after that and he has lived like 30 mins away for her all his life

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