I did not give details in my questions yesterday because I did not feel it was necessary, but due to some responses I am wondering what people think about it.
Someone who has been like a sister to me my whole life, has also been through some things that no one should ever have to go through, and these things can make it hard to get through day to day life. For the most part it is fine, but if something happens to bring it all back it can make it very hard. When she had her son nine months ago we talked about what would happen if this happened again, and agreed that of all available options my taking her son in would be the best option. Well, her ghosts came back to haunt her, and once she realised things were getting bad she of course called on me. She is now off trying to conquer her personal demons, and I am indefinitly the childs guardian. Best case she will be back within a week...worst, well, who knows what will happen.
I will continue the story in a second.