
I'm looking for other people who want to build a self suffcient survival home in anticipation of 2012?

by  |  earlier

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Either: a) a co-operative with land, bunkers (or may build a bunker) , food, agricultural tools, sustainable energy. Preferably located at least 900 metres above sea level in non volcanic region. Shared labour/preservation of technology/information

b) join a like minded group fo individuals who are interested in survival..




  1. "in non volcanic region" ......................... ROFL

  2. Absolutely nothing is going to happen in 2012. Anyone thinking otherwise is a fool that's taking an ancient civilization's calendar as a future prediction, but if you want to waste money building a shelter that's good for nothing, be my guest. A fool and his money are soon departed.

  3. ahhhhh, your taking 2012 as the end of the world as we know it. its actually about a revival of spirit! forget the shelter, start learning about you. you might like who you get to know!

  4. Do you remember the preperations that everyone made for Y2K?

    Remember how nothing happened?  Remember how people then took great joy at poking fun at people who are prepared?

    My family prepared for Y2K.  We got our food storage up to snuff.  We purchased a bit of extra camping gear.  I already had some chickens...I added a few more.  I purchased a few goats.

    Y2K was actually a good excuse to buy the goats.  I'd been researching them for a few years.

    Then remember when 9/11/2001 happened a few years later?  By then my goats had already turned into a business.  Our pantry fed us for the 9 + months there was not a single sale in realestate after 9/11.  

    Preperations for Y2K were not wasted, because we made no silly purchases.  I turned my goats into a thriving business (as was my plan, when I purchased them).  Our food storage continues to save us hundreds if not thousands of dollars ever year on food costs.

    When my horse cut an artery open on her leg during a howling blizzard, I had the first aid supplies on hand to stop the bleeding.  

    What I'm trying to tell you is that being prepared, being self sufficient and independent are never bad things.  

    If you have a death in the family, prolonged illness, job loss, or something like a terrorist attack happens again, you can have food in you pantry to eat.  You can make your home independent of the power grid.  

    You can do many, many things to become independent and self sufficient.  However, you should beware of getting so caught up in something that you loose sight of reason.

    We prepared for Y2K, not because we thought it would be the end of civilization as we know it, but rather because we thought, "what if things do not work well for a while?"  

    What if the gas pumps didn't work, welfare checks were not delivered, and some banks had meltdowns?  That could have cause localized riots in some areas.  We never thought Y2K would be a sweeping, civilization changing event, as some people thought.

    I know of a man and his wife who cashed out everything they could.  They sold their home, and belongings.  They purchased mind boggling amounts of food storage.  They moved to a remote spot in Canada, from the U.S.A....all because of their fear of Y2K.  

    Approach the whole 2012 Myan callendar thing with caution.  Also think of this....the Myans are basically wrong about the date....their world isn't going to end on 2012....they were killed off long ago.  Their calendar wasn't made for was made for them.

    Don't invest in food storage you and your family would not eat on a daily basis.  Do not get livestock you do not plan to have 10 years from now, even if the world does NOT end.  Do not turn your families life on their ear for an ungrounded fear.


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  5. You are, obviously, American.

  6. Good lord man, whats so horrific about 2012? If you're going with the Mayan thing thats one thing but how can the Mayans tell us when the world's going to end when they couldn't even see their own extinction. Plus, what if they decided they would finish the calender later? Oh well, If you're building a survival home, I wouldn't worry about it, between the U.S. and Russia, there are enough Atomic weapons to cover each country 4 times over. Its a lock that we would all be dead.

  7. I think most of those others who might want to join you  have already been institutionalized.

    Even though that is my answer I don't think you really stated a question. It was more like an attempt to chat about the "quality" of your thoughts.

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