
I'm looking for place where I can rent office room one time a month for ~1hr. Any ideas?

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I'm looking for place where I can rent office room one time a month for ~1hr. Any ideas?




  1. Your best bet is to cut a private deal with someone else in a related field, so that you can rent space from them in their office.  Companies that have slightly larger office space than they need frequently make arrangements like this, although I've never herd of people wanting an office for one hour a month.

    Another possibility is to get a "virtual" office.  You pay for an address in a  real office building, someone picks up any mail sent there, and you can use a conference room when you need to.  There are lots of outfits that are in the virtual office rental business.  Here is just one of them:

    Finally, hotels can sometimes set up rooms as offices--desks, chairs, etc. but no bed.  I know someone who has that arrangement in Philadelphia.  His "office" is a big downtown building that happens also to be a hotel.  He, too, only needs it occasionally to meet clients.  You might call a few hotels to see if they can do that.  

    I hope this helsp.  Good luck!!

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