
I'm looking for some advise on how to handle this situation... Please help me...?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a 20 year old college student, who has had a very painful past. (In short, I was abused, raped, I've attempted suicide a few times and I cut) I have a really hard time trusting people in the past (friends, family, mental health professionals etc.) but last year, for the first time, I met someone who I felt I could trust. She was a teacher in one of my courses. She helped me a lot, and offered to listen if I needed someone to talk to. At the moment, she's no longer my teacher, but I still really want to take her up on that offer to talk. We talk a little in the hallways at school, and via e-mail about random things, but I'd like to talk to her the way I did last year (when she offered to listen if I needed someone). I just don't know how to approach her about it, is it weird/wrong/awkward for me to re-bring this up now? I've tried little things to try to get her to initiate a "non-random" conversation but they haven't worked. I really feel like talking to her is the best thing for me, but I just don't know how to do it... please someone help...

(By the Way, I am seeing both a counselor and a psychiatrist for professional help, however it is not that I am seeking from my teacher)




  1. Hey, she offered, right? I mean she would not have done that if she wasn't sincere. Teachers are not in the business of handing out blank checks like that. Don't get me wrong, I think teachers are good people happy to help their students, but usually they know better than to offer something they can't make good on.

    So, that said, maybe you don't worry about bringing it up "random and casual?" Instead, go right to the point... "Hey you know how you offered if I wanted someone to talk to? Well, I would love to take you up on that... when would be a good time for you?"

    Remember, she offered. And quite honestly, I think she will be THRILLED that you've taken her up on it. So you really have nothing to lose.

    Best of luck!

  2. Just so you have two supporting answers on here, I really agree with the first answer to this question. She wouldn't have offered if she didn't mean it. Teachers see a lot of people come and go.  Therefore seeing many, many types of people. I believe that she would probably be the best thing for you right now.

  3. I agree with "bpdou".  Go for it.  Best Wishes

  4. oh, just be direct

    and dogs and cats are good for the mind by the way

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