
I'm looking for some inspirational quotes about going/getting through tough times?

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I'm going through some pretty hard things right now, and am looking for something to remind myself to stay strong, don't give up, etc.. thanks!!




  1. " when everyone is ignoring you, or hating you, When everyone avoids you or is jealous. its time to think... Maybe i am too s**y! "

    that's my favorite

  2. "Life is full of secrets and lies, so when you get screwed over, don't act surprised" - unknown

    "Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive. "

  3.    If you're going through h**l, keep going.

    ~ by Winston Churchill

       Most failures are caused by not realizing the power of momentum – getting started.

    ~ by  

  4. 'Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds you down, or polishes you up, depends on what you are made of.'

  5. "harden the fu@k up" Unlce chop chop.

  6. What would your current frustrations look like from the vantage point of the final days of your life?


    Through everything, what we strive to become, is after all our destiny under the sun. So don’t let life’s lessons, bring you down. They are only test, to add diamonds to your crown. When it’s raining, don’t put an umbrella over your heart. Remember, God promised a rainbow, after Noah sailed his ark. When problems stand over your day, don’t turn to pleasures, which only get in your way. Say no to temptation, with all your might, be strong, and always stand up for what’s right. And if you are addicted, know that God can set you free, just like he did for Israel, when he split the Red Sea. When you are talked about and falsely accused, hold your head high, regardless of the envious critics’ reviews. When they don’t listen to what you try to say, suck it up, have patience and pray. Because when Joseph was falsely placed in jail, did God not have enough money to post his bail? He will do the same for you; these struggles are just growing pains that we all must go through. When you are old, and can finally see, you’ll look back and say, “This is what it took, to turn into me”.      

    This always helps me.


  8. I am just coming out of hard times so I promise there li a light at the end of the tunnel.

    *Whenever there is darkness there is an an extraordinary opportunity for light to burn brighter*


    My husband and I went through the worst year of our marriage

    and now things are getting much better.I know how hard times

    can beat you down but know you are never alone.There are some great websites with really great inspirational quotes and daily affirmation.Good luck

  9. 1.  A rainbow comes after the storm,2. Pressure makes diamonds

    Trust me you have easy compared to people in Sudan, Darfur, and all the other places in the world were a bowl of rice is ectasy  

  10. I may be brused and bleeding, but Im still breathing, and as long as my lungs are worth half a **** I wont ever quit!!

  11. Instead

    Do not think of what you do not have;

    Instead, appreciate what you have and can still have.

    Do not think of things lost;

    Instead, value what you still have and may yet find.

    Do not cry over spilled milk;

    Instead, rejoice in what was left.

    Do not think of what you are not;

    Instead, be humble with what you are and can still become.

    Do not think of what others say you are;

    Instead, concern yourself with what you affirm to be.

    Do not think of the hours and days past;

    Instead, look eagerly to times that are yet to come.

    Do not think of what you failed to do;

    Instead, think of those that you were able to do and can still best do.

    Do not think of mistakes committed;

    Instead, count the things you did right.

    Do not think much of the pain you have caused;

    Instead, plan for ways to make amends.

    Do not think of the sufferings you now bear;

    Instead, look to the comfort when relief draws near.

    Do not consume yourself with thoughts of what could have been;

    Instead, marvel at what has become and will become.

    Do not be anxious to attain greater happiness;

    Instead, content yourself with the little things which bring you bliss.

    Do not aspire to fill your cup at once;

    Instead, have the patience to do it little by little.

    And if by chance you fail, do not fret over the empty part on top;

    Instead, celebrate the space filled up.

    Do not condemn nature when it is at its worst;

    Instead, think of the times when it was at its best.

    Do not blame luck for things you miss;

    Instead, learn from things in which you have been remiss.

    Nor should you curse luck or others for life's misfortunes;

    Instead, accept them as part of life.

    I say then, Live fully, die a little,

    Learn much but question less.

    Have just enough but give much more,

    Be contented each time to crave much less.

    Doubt less and affirm a lot,

    Understand more, and be understood less.

    Worry a little but hope you must,

    Accept all, resist the least.

    For all things happen, In due time they must.                                                                              

       By P. E. Calleja

    P.S: you did not Fail, God simply has a better plan!

  12. He requires us to try and not succeed

  13. Here are some: when the going gets tough, the tough get going.

    2. If winter comes can spring be far behind

    3. If god closes all doors, he opens another

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