
I'm looking for some relatives?

by  |  earlier

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i found out where my gram and aunt moved 2 thru people search. now listen up! i also looked 4 my dad and found him, it said what his age was (52). that was his age almost 15 yrs ago when he died. so, the ques is please help me find the correct source to find out if the others are still alive. i've already spent 2 days searching site after site. please don't guess, i don't want 2 spend another 2 days getting nowhere.

Just so u know. i was close to my dad and did that because i knew he was gone. i've tried everything.




  1. If you can send me an email giving me the names of the people you are looking for, I can check the death index to see if they are still alive or not.

    Can you include places or areas as well, as there may be more than one entry.

  2. This section is not limited to just one country, so what I explain may be useless to you. If your dad died at age 52, and that was 15 yrs ago, he would have been 67 now.  Meaning, his mother would likely be close to 87, and it is possible that she has died. You don't mention aunt's age at all.

    You need to FIRST check social security death index, to rule out if they are in there.  It can lag behind in entries, meaning someone can die and not show up there for a few months.  Again.. that is a US source only, so if you are not 'here', it won't be useful.

    I have used and with good results.  What is important to know is that there ISN'T any correct/ guaranteed place online, to find living people.  A lot of persons today have cell phones, or other unlisted info. Property records (assuming they do own a home) can pin it down.. but that is not guaranteed to be online either, and will only give street addresses.

    If you do find several in zabasearch, there can be persons with the same name.. meaning, you either match the approx age, or just try calling what may be listed.  You might also try to work with names of aunt's children, if you know those.

    Just so you understand, that there IS no guarantee of anything.

  3. Try these. The first finds telephone numbers & addresses if listed. The second gives good clues as to locations and married names. The third gives more clues. Some you must enter a state; some not. The last two try to sell you their service after the first try, so you have to exit and re-enter the site to check more than once. The last one checks if the person has died. Hope these help; they have really helped me.

  4. the BMD index on ancestry 2 week trial.

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