
I'm looking for some words of wisdom?

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People always say to stay positive. They say that things WILL get better. I understand that I have to put forth effort to make it better. But when you have nothing to strive for, no vision of happiness in your future, it's not easy. I'm about to fail out of college and I have no excuse for it. I want to feel better. I want to do better. But it seems like wanting is not enough. I'm searching for some kind of insight. Something that would really put things in perspective. Honestly, I do not have any reason to live. It may sound dumb but if you could feel what I feel you would understand.




  1. Success is as dangerous as failure.

    Hope is as hollow as fear.

    What does it mean that success is a dangerous as failure?

    Whether you go up the ladder or down it,

    you position is shaky.

    When you stand with your two feet on the ground,

    you will always keep your balance.

    What does it mean that hope is as hollow as fear?

    Hope and fear are both phantoms

    that arise from thinking of the self.

    When we don't see the self as self,

    what do we have to fear?

    See the world as your self.

    Have faith in the way things are.

    Love the world as your self;

    then you can care for all things.

    -Tao Te Ching

  2. Im sorry but there is nothing that i can say that will help you. this is something that you have to ask yourself. you have to decide for yourself what your motivations are and align your priorities. if you trully wanted it you would try harder. ask yourself what you rully trully want. not what someone else wants for you or think is best for you. Its your life and you have all the control .

  3. 8 Learn how to turn poison into medicine by practicing the Lotus Sutra for modern times.

  4. It is true that if you are depressed the depression will eventually lift and life will be better and more enjoyable.

    having said that you get out of life what you put in to it. if you sit at home moping and feeling sorry for yourself then life will not get better. Life doesn't come to you - you have to go out and meet it head on.  You have to put in time and effort with people to get friendship and time and effort spent back on you. You need to either get academic qualifications or work experience before you can expect decent pay.

    If you fail at one thing you need to go out and work at something else until you find something you are good at and enjoy.

    There is nothing wrong in trying and failing but everything wrong in not trying at all.

    You cannot know there is no chance of happiness in your life. You are down right now but you have 50-60 years ahead of you to be living life to the full - be it working  in a bank, a zoo, a supermarket or travelling the world. You are only just embarking on your adult life and already you talk of giving up.The world is your oyster - go and look for some pearls.

    When you are old you want to look back at your life and remember all the things you have tried and experienced, not sit regretting all the things you never did.

    Have fun - life is too short to waste worrying about things you cant change - just go and enjoy something else.

  5. Lots of people have felt the way you feel right now (including me.) And lots of people flunk out of college and still manage to have great lives.  My brother flunked out of college.  He just got into college and couldn't settle down. He stayed out all night and partied. Basically, he did everything they warn students not to do. He just wasn't ready for college.  So, he got a job. After a couple of years, when HE was ready, he went back.  His previous gpa was so bad, he returned under probation.

    Take a break from school.  Get a job (or change jobs.) Then reevaluate how you're feeling and doing in a few months.

    If you really want to stay in school, talk to your advisor.  Tell them you are having problems.  They may be able to recommend some services to help you academically.  If you are having problems with depression(even just mild depression), tell your advisor or go to your doctor/ school med center. Meds might be able to help.

    Whatever is going on, tell your advisor.  He/She will try to help you stay in school if possible.  If they don't offer any help, ask to speak to another advisor.  They are there to help you, and they have seen it ALL before.  If students didn't have problems, they wouldn't have jobs.

    But whatever you decide, just remember thousands of students have been in your position.  Doesn't mean your life is over. Just life as you once knew it. Take it as a life experience that will allow you to be more understanding when friends go through a difficult time.

  6. it's always darkest before dawn. live for the moment! we all know that life can be sh1tty at times but since you're living now, why not make the most of it?  

  7. That does not sound dumb! And, I have some advice for you...

    Look in the mirror.

    You could have been born disabled or disfigured. You could be blind or deaf. But, you are healthy, and you are alive. Maybe you can't focus on college right now, but maybe you need to try doing something for someone else. Consider visiting someone in the hospital, or spending time with kids in an orphanage. You aren't alone in your frustration and sadness. Find inspiration in a hobby, friends, or write your feelings in a journal. Even if you don't have a specific talent, you can still share your story and life with other people. There is more to life than getting a good education and living for yourself. Try looking at the world through the eyes of another, and you may find a new hope.

  8. It sounds like you are fairly young, not much life under you belt.  It is always astonishing to me that people no matter what age will whine about their progress or lack there of and them not knowing what has happened to get them where they are or what will happen to them next.  That is the way if you have no direction in your life.  You said you are failing out of college and you have nothing to strive for.  You need to get a grip and take a good long hard look at YOU.  Do you wake up each morning?  My guess would be yes... then you have been given a gift.  Each new daybreak brings with it ALL possibilities.  The only thing hampering you is YOU.  No one can make you get up and do right, you have to get yourself up and make yourself do the things you know will get you from point A to point B and to whatever point there is that will make your day today better that your day yesterday was.  Your statement about happiness is one of it being some sought after destination whose directions you keep loosing.  Happiness is not a destination, it's a choice! One you make moment to moment day in and day out.  As long as you have breath you can do anything you want to do.  The only change that needs to be made is the one that's in your head that tells you you can't, you're not worth the effort, you're not good enough.  You are the only one who is telling you this rubbish and you are listening all to close.  Start telling yourself you can, you are worth it, you are good enough.  When you really feel what you are telling yourself, you will see things around you change.  Good Luck!

  9. Sorry you've been feeling down, at times I feel the same way, I understand where you are coming from. Here are some quotes that I have always loved through the years.

    "A mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimension."

    -Oliver Wendell Holmes

    "I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by a conscious endeavor. It is something to be able to paint a particular picture, or to carve a statue, and so to make a few objects beautiful, but it is far more glorious to carve and paint the very atmosphere and medium through which we look, which morally we can do."

    -Walden, Henry David Thoreau

    "In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer."

    -Albert Camus

    "Men trifle with the most precious thing in the world; but they are blind to it because it is an incorporeal thing, because it does not come beneath the sight of the eyes, and for this reason it is counted a very cheap thing—nay, of almost no value at all. Men set very great store by pensions and doles, and for these they hire out their labour or service or effort. But no one sets a value on time; all use it lavishly as if it cost nothing."

    -"On the Shortness of Life", Seneca

    Best of luck ;)

  10. Sounds to me like you're depressed.  Depression will cause the way you feel and are talking.  Go to a psychologist and talk to him or her until you get a better understanding of yourself and what's going on inside you to make you feel this way.  A psychologist CAN help, trust me.  Yes, you do have a reason to live:   Your family and friends.  Trust me when I say that you would leave them with insurmountable guilt if you should check out now.  Hang in there and get help!

    Good luck.

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