
I'm looking for suggestions on building up my immune system. Help?

by Guest62325  |  earlier

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I just spent two days at the Hospital with a respiratory infection, AGAIN.

I am a type one diabetic, and this is twice in six months that this has happened.

Thoughts? Ideas? Vitamins? Special drinks? Voodoo rituals?




  1. My herbal drink is the perfect solution to your problems.  It has been known to cure respiratory ailments and diabetes.

    It is comprised of 5 power herbs.  The most power herb, moringa, is even known to cure cancer.

    Email me if you are interested.  We can discuss this further in detail.


  2. Hi. Very, VERY, very good question.

    I just responded at length to a post from someone asking about various treatments for diabetes. Because my response also addresses your important immune system question, you might want to read it:;...

    While there's not an easy fix, you can certainly be a LOT healthier than you have been. By this time next year, you can look back in health and wonder how you ever got through it all - or why you tolerated a lowered state of immunity for so long. Life can change on a dime. Take care.

  3. One way you can boost your immune system and keep it up is to incorporate garlic into your diet and stop eating any kind of junk food.  I was hospitalized several years ago for a bacterial infection that I found out was caused by the large amount of junk food and sodas I was consuming.  I changed my whole diet around and have not had a relapse.  I eat raw garlic every day to keep my immune system up and to fight off any illnesses.

  4. Tea is very good for you, especially red teas with berries and rose hips in them, green teas and white teas. They have a lot of anti-oxidants and you don't have to add any sweetener.

    Elderberries are supposed to be good to boost your immune system, but the Sambucol elderberry concoction you can buy in the pharmacy is loaded with sugar. Artificial sweeteners are considered to be horrible for you by some people (except Stevia) and contribute to inflammation.

    I can't say enough in favor of getting enough sleep and exercise.  You have to move your body. Your Lymphatic System does not circulate unless you move your body.  Don't over do it. Be consistent. Probably you know a lot more about all this than I do.

  5. Leave the antibiotics alone, aloe vera is awesome for your immune sysytem, especially if you're diabetic, check out the link below

  6. The best Juice to drink to help increase your immune system is Pomagranite Juice. This has been proven to be better than green tea, red wine and others. Just drink in small amounts and dont over do it .Read instructions and use recomended doses daily after a meal only.

  7. awww Sweetie I'm so sorry!!!!! I hope you're better soon!!

    I missed you lots!!!

    ((((((((((((( Jackpot ))))))))))))))

  8. there are several herbs you could use that are very is DXNs Ganoderma, Idont know where you are to tell you where to get them but if you go  onto this web page,

    .     stay well, you will find this herb will balance yoursugar too as it has been  found to have many actions...

  9. This is an easy question for me to answer. Following my advice will not only help with your infections but also help with your diabetes. The book is called "Eat Right 4 you type" it is not a diet plan, it is a life plan. It is about getting healthy. I have seen many diabetics get off insulin by following this book and I myself follow it. If you know your blood type it is so easy. It tells you what foods to avoid and which foods maximize your system. It also tells you which needed vitamins you should be taking. In the meantime I highly recommend taking Ester C,  a good natural multivitamin, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and if you can get it mangosteen juice. It is an amazing healer (available at health food stores) Right now for your immune system though you should be on Echinacea and goldenseal, they will build your immunities. If you keep taking antibiotics, you will keep getting infections. (for the blood type website)

  10. Besides extra vitamin C every day the natural antibiotics colloidal silver and garlic oil will also boost your immune system.

    Reducing your intake of refined sugar will also help both your immune system and your diabetes as sugar weakens your immune system and contributes to diabetes.  See items 1, 5 and 47 in .

  11. No voodoo rituals (lol). Start with a solid foundation. Drink the water you need. A good rule of thumb is to take your weight in pounds and divide that number by 2 and it gives the number of ounces you need per day. So if you are 150 lbs, drink 75 ounces per day (not all at once). Eat whole grain foods if you don't already. Try to eliminate the "whites" - processed sugar and flour.

    And very important and foundational is to get yourself on a quality whey protein isolate. Why? Most people cook their protein sources. Heat destroys part of the nutrients, particularly the essential amino acids that are required for daily intake. These provide the body with the resources to produce glutathione, which is the body's natural master antioxidant. Glutathione is so important that your body will not produce a new cell unles there is glutathione available to protect it. This is just a nut shell explanation. This will not only help build your immune system, it should also help you with your diabetes by stablizing your blood sugars.

    Oh yes, stop taking artificial anything. Eat fresh vegetables as much as you can.

  12. Eat very healthy

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