
I'm looking for textile Manufactures in the U.S. only.?

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I have a patent pending on an item and am looking for a manufacturer in the U.S. This is a kids item and I don't want it made in Asia.




  1. Davison's Blue Book is the bible of the industry, but it is a pay per view site.  Many larger libraries will have a copy.  The second reference is an online list that is not as extensive.  You could also contact [TC]2 for advice.  If you are looking for small lots of fabric or development help, you may want to talk to the two NCSU groups.

    Some things you need to know yourself:

    1. What is the potential market in # of items or yards of fabric?

    2. How much do you want made now?  Most mills don't do extremely small lots?

    3. If further development is needed, are you willing to give up some rights or are you willing to sign agreements?

    4. Do you have any money?

    5. Do you have a business plan you can provide?

    6. Do you have a set of initial specifications?

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