
I'm looking for tips or informations about travelling in french guyana with little money, can any-one help me?

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I'm looking for tips or informations about travelling in french guyana with little money, can any-one help me?




  1. I went there a few years ago. Flew there by Surinam Airways - really c**p airline. On my flight out of Cayenne it was overbooked, but left an hour EARLY (I"d never seen a plane leave early before) and must have left half a dozen would-be passengers stranded as it wasn't even full!

    French Guyana is very much like France, but the prices are a bit higher because it is drip-fed from France.

  2. As the answer before mentioned it is not cheap at all !

    I have been there several times and everything is more expensive than in France.

    So if you travel with a small budget French Guayana is not the top place to go ...

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