
I'm looking for unbiased, objective views on these issues...

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1. 9/11- Official explanation vs. conspiracy theories.

2. Gun Control

3. s*x education in the United States

4. Immigration

5. The War on Drugs

As a journalism student I deeply believe in the AP Code of Ethics. As such, I will not reveal any personal political views to users.




  1. You're not going to find any unbiased objective views on those hot button issues.  Through all my years, I've learned that the more and more volatile an issue (such as the ones you have listed) the less likely someone telling you about it isn't pumping his/her own snake oil into it.

    In fact your very question is flawed.  You are looking for unbiased views.  Well, a view by definition is biased.

    All you can do is read as much as possible and form your own opinion.  Read but also Search your topics on Google and read as much as you can.

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