
I'm looking for vegan fish food?

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i am after vegan fish food, can anyone help me?




  1. Not very vegan, keeping fish locked up in a small tank and not in their natural habitat.  

    Naw, I'm just kidding.  

    Isnt fish food just this algae stuff?

  2. Humans are able to get all the nutrition they need without eating any animal products. We have the option to not harm any animals, and that's why many people choose to go vegetarian and vegan (I am not one myself but I sort of understand why some do).

    Animals are not the same. Animals eat each other all the time. They don't have the choice. You will have to just feed your fish normal fish food. It's not like you're the one eating it.

    If you really hate the idea of treating animals unfairly then you shouldn't have any pets.

    Another thing - if you do have pets, you are totally responsible for them. If you try to feed them weird food that they won't eat, it's your responsibility. It's the same way that no responsible parent would put a young child on a vegan diet until he is old enough to be able to sustain himself on vegan food. And even then, you can't impose a diet on someone, merely encourage it.

  3. Most freshwater fish are omnivores. Bettas are carnivores. My cichlids are 90% herbivore but eat some shrimp once in a while... Too much meat will make them sick. There are entirely herbivorous fish like mbuna cichlids which thrive on only algae. They have long intestines and meat will make them sick. So it really depends on your fish. What kind is it?

  4. Vegans don't eat fish.

  5. Why would a vegan want to keep fish in a small glass tank? Fish are not the most intelligent of God's creation, but I'm sure they realize they are not swimming freely in the tropical stream where they were taken from.

    As for the answer to your question - ask your local pet store. I personally don't impose my diet on other's, even pets.

  6. Vegan fish food, to feed your fish?? Or you can eat? Cause if its for your fish, why does it matter?? The circle of life?!?!

    You must be joking because this is the dumbest c**p EVER!

  7. what? for your fish? well firstly it depends on the fish.... and lots eat algae or whatever..... go to a pet store and ask a professional they would answer the best

    secondly, I am a vegetarian and I generally agree with you on your reasons for not eating meat (probably, just accept it for the sake of arguement) but I don't feel you should be imposing any dietary limitations on animals when it's not their choice or in their mindset to understand (most probably). I would probably begin raising my children on a vegetarian diet if they would be healthy yet when they reach an age I know they understand I would present my reasons and have then CHOOSE for themselves. however, I haven't been presented with something like this before.... so I'm a bit baffeled...... I just hope youconsulted a vet before you did this.....

    to the answer above. humans are animals. but I agree with you I believe generally

    ok basically you can't tell anyone what to say or whatnot on an answers forum thing no one is using ad hominums or any such thing... personally I'm just concerned for the health of the animals (some don't need meat I know, but I don't know what pets you have so foregive me) and the fact forcing a diet on a cat or something bothers me.... anyway, that's all i'll say, have a good evening (oh and I did answer as best I could, a fish store would know)

  8. Hasn't it been proved fish (goldfish at least) have a memory of 7 seconds?  If that is the case (even if it's not) fish are incapable of making moral decisions and therefor, imposing your ethical decisions on to them is just pointless.

  9. My opinion is that you should contact a pet store, vet, or vet school.  They might, possibly, be able to help you.

    Do you also believe in the truth that the Earth is flat?

  10. Feed you fish what they would eat in the wild...

    Keeping fish against their will is no less immoral than killing fish for food.. made more so by the fact  that you tend to sing praises of your "cruelty free" diet and lifestyle.. Hypocrisy at it's purest form..

  11. Some fish are programmed to eat meat.  To try to change that fact would probably cause them to refuse to eat what you offer, causing them to starve to death.  If an animal starves because you refuse to feed them what they require is tantamount to animal cruelty.  A thing that true vegans abhor.

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