
I'm looking for volunteer, charity, and awareness walks, events, ect. Looking to give back. Any ideas?

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So far I have thought of habitat for humanity and a breast cancer awareness walk. I'd love to hear some more ideas!




  1. Another good resource is

    And each city usually has an on-line listing of volunteer needs and opportunities, so you might try searchingfor causes that need support in your area.

  2. Try

  3. I would recommend signing up at the Points of Light & Hands on Network (link listed below).  They will direct you to a site closest to where you live.  This is where the club I'm affiliated with goes through to find local community service events.  Each month they publish a calendar of events you can sign up for.  I'm also not sure exactly what types of things you are looking to sign up for.  I'm currently going to school to become a special ed teacher, and am interested in different events that will benefit education in anyway.  For 2 hours a week, I volunteer at Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, where I am recorded reading a book, that will eventually be given to a blind or dyslexic person as a text book.  

    You may also want to look into reading books to children at a local hospital, homeless shelter, or even at a Dr's office where children have to wait in lobby's for an extended amount of time.  Hope this helps, and good luck!

  4. I am a proud member of Lions Clubs  The largest service club in the world .  Most cities have one or more clubs our motto says it all    We Serve     Go to lionsinternational    click on club locator   . We raise money to cure blind ness  and other good causes

  5. I work for habitat in New Orleans and overseas....try for local ways to help with various orgs....good luck

  6. I started volunteering at a local no-kill cat shelter and it has been amazing!! I started by trying to adopt a cat. They had problems handeling the cat and told me that they could not safely give up to me, even though I was willing to pay the fees. They said they had two sisters that need a home because the shelter was full and if I took care of these two they would get them adopted out ASAP and pay for the litter, food, litter boxes, toys, vet bills anything they needed. I agreed to "foster these two" for a while.

    Now I have adopted out 3 cats and have 3 more in my house. They do pay for everything. I felt so duilty about them bringing me canned food, dry food, and kitty litter all the time that I asked if I could help them out any other way. Now I go to the shelter and clean litter boxes, feed the kitties, give them attention and play with  them for a few hours at a time. I have started to deliver kitties to and from the vets, bring people thier new pets from the shelter, and give medicine to the ones that need it.

    I know for a volunteer job/hobby it sounds weak but it is so rewarding! These little animals would die if we did not do what we do. I only get attatched to the ones I want to now, because the turn over is so good for us it is great! Now they have asked me to sit in on the board meetings and I have. It is not we are a group of people that turn away animals, we are part of the SPCA, that means a lot. Our only purpose is to provide for the kitties in our county. We are a not-for profit and I can not say how it makes me feel to help these animals and these wonderful people I volunteer with. If we are able to the volunteers work and some of us are older and retired. If you want to feel good about an orginization try out a not for profit, no-kill local shelter. Good Luck.

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