
I'm looking forward to art school, but I have a question regarding the portfolio?

by  |  earlier

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I've researched plenty of places, but I'm confused about the application process. I'm only a senior just now, so I haven't applied anywhere yet, and I'm assuming I'll get the answer to this question then.. but, I'm curious, so I can be prepared. So, I'm assuming you fill out a standard college application, and then.. you send some of your photos? Or, is it like.. during the interview, you bring your photos? I hope I'm directing this question to art-school-go'ers.. who can possibly tell me what they had in their portfolios and what made them i guess, stand out to the admission directors.. Soo.. HELP! Thanks : )




  1. If you're applying to an art school, you'll be sending in your portfolio, or more likely, a disc containing photos of your work.  The only time I ever brought one to the interview was to a liberal arts college, and I really don't think even that is standard practice.  Each school that requires a portfolio will have specific requirements on what they want to see.  You posted this in "photography" which is not my field, so I can't really get more specific than that.  But generally I can say that they are certainly not expecting a "mature body of work" from a high school student, but look for a more focused pursuit than the average 17-year-old who just kind of "likes art."

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