
I'm looking in the web for some travel printed brochures that can be sent to me by mail. any suggestions?

by Guest59671  |  earlier

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i'm planning to travel to southern France and spain. thanks




  1. Try , the best internet site related to spanish tourism. Moreover, try with the local cities tourism-boards, wherever you are planning to go.

  2. I would look for some sites for the destination you are wanting. For example, the official sites. They will usually have brochures that you can have sent to you.

    You could also check out magazines like Town and Country and Travel and Leisure. I believe they include a section where you can request more information on destinations.

    Finally, you can ask your travel agent to send you some. They usually include brochures when you book the trip, but you can always ask for more if they have it. You could also go to some local travel agencies to see if they have anything for you.

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