
I'm looking into buying an old beat up car?

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I want an old car to soup up and repair. I was hoping to find something that will work (or just start) for under $1000. It doesn't need to be in good shape or anything. But I want to know, what are good cars to fix and soup up. I'm just looking for a side project type thing right now to keep me occupied through the school year (my senior year in high school).

I have a 1994 Ford Mustang but I really don't want to s***w with that right now cause it's my main vehicle for transportation and it doesn't need to be getting any less gas millage.

The goal is to take an old car and make it even faster than the Mustang (215HP). What I'm looking for is a car that will be easy and fun to work on. So just let me know some opinions. I'm thinking something from the '90s, just so I can find parts. But any earlier or later years would be worth looking into.




  1. Your best bet for under $1000 and in during those years would be a trans am or a camaro. But what i would do is go to the junkyard and look for a old decent shape muscle car and fix it up since you have the mustang . Another thing you could do is look around the old backwoods neighborhoods and see if anyone has an old car sittin around they would like to sell and you could buy somthing like that pretty cheap.

  2. "Soup Up" is a rich man's game.  If you just want to learn, then I think this is a great plan, but I would look for a car that would be something worth having without you supplying $10,000 to "soup it up" as if somehow that was going to improve your life.

    It's hard picking something from the 90's.  Almost all cars sold in the US were front drivers, and they're not much fun, and you've already got a Mustang.  You might look for a miata, or 240sx.  The front driving Eclipse/Talon/Laser with the turbo would be fun.

  3. GM G bodies are great, anything from 78-88, including cutlass monte carlos regals and grand prix's

    V8s of olds pontiac buick and chevy bolt right in with some minor work(motor mounts, battery relocation from side to side and some minor wire routing) They are very easy to come by for sale, and usually pretty cheap.

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