
I'm looking to be a walk on in college football.?

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I'm going out for the strong safety position. I've been playing football since i was 6 up until my freshman year in high school. I'm about to start college in 2 weeks and would like to be a walk on. I'm 18, 185lbs, 5ft. 9in. Really have not been lifting weights alot but I bench 255lbs, squat 325, and run a 40 in 4.5sec. I know im not 100% yet but do you think i will be able to make a good impression in practice?




  1. Only played until freshman year?  Your stats are below average, you lack any real competitive experience, I'd say you might make an impression at a junior college maybe.  Past that forget it.

  2. well i think you will make it but you need to lift more, I'm 15 and I'm squatting 320 and i play free safety it just depends on if you are going to a school that wants there safety's to be strong you just have to figure it out. Good luck

  3. I doubt it.

    There's a huge jump from freshman football in high school to college football, h**l there's a huge jump from freshman to varsity level. If the last time you took the field was 4 years ago and as you said you haven't been lifting and you're not a 100% I doubt you could make any significant immediate impact in a college practice. Even if you're insanely naturally gifted, making the mental adjustment is almost as tough as the physical. Lastly if you're talking about a D-1A school I would give you a better chance at winning the lottery then making the team.

  4. If you run the 40 about 5 times a day you should get a 4.4-if ypu stretch too a 4.3 is possible  if you have good hands u may play widereceiver, however since your 5'9 which is somewhat small you will have a much better chance at KR or PR


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