
I'm looking to buy a K2 Moment or a Lamar Foxie.... thoughts?

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I was a boarder for 4 years during high school before tearing my ACL playing soccer. Now, 3 1/2 years later (and finally done with soccer!) I'm making a new start- hopefully with a better board than I had. Any thoughts on what board might be better? Basically I just free-ride... no free-styling. I've had friends ride both, but my last board was actually a Limited, and it worked at the time... but I'm just looking to upgrade. These boards are what are available in my area without ordering online and in my price-range (poor college student!!). Any input would be awesome!!




  1. Lamar sucks.

  2. K2

    Lamar kinda sucks man

  3. I'd probably go with the K2.  If you can find one in your area, the Nitro Fate was ranked in the top 5 by Transworld Snowboarding.  It's in the same price range as the K2.  If you are at all able to order online, or are close to St. Paul, Mn then check out The House.

  4. The Moment is a new board that K2 have bought out its basically an entry level All mountain board. I dont know much about the Foxie but after looking on the net a bit it seems to be an entry level All mountain board thats pushing more towards the freeride side of things. I would rate K2 as a better comany than Lamar but the main problem with both of these boards is as a rider with four years experiece you may be too advanced for them. You will still be able to ride them ok its just if you are seriously into freeriding and going fast you wont get as much out of them as you would a higher end board. The reason they are cheap is because they are begineers boards, unfortunately the better you get the higher the prices get generally. Maybe you should look at some thing like a K2 Luna which is more for intermediate riders and wouldent be too much more than the boards you have mentioned, Good luck.

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